First off we would just like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. We are so luck to have such amazing family and friends. We hope all of you have safe and happy holiday season!

You can never see Santa to many times right? Well we had Santa, aka Grandpa/Papa/Howie/My dad! come up to our house for all the grand kids. It was so much fun, My dad was the perfect Santa he had all of us laughing so hard. Thanks dad your the best! He are some picture of this special occasion.

This is my nephew Terron. He is the oldest grand kid so he got to go first, he is holding a boot thanks to Santa. Santa explained that times are hard right know and that our Country is in a recession. He also told Terron to hold on to hope and that hopefully next year Santa would bring him the other boot.:)

This is Maci, She loves Santa and was so excited to tell him all her Christmas Wish List.

Here are the two boys both thought Santa was Cool, but they still weren't to sure of the guy in the big red suit.
Deighton however was not having anything to do with Santa, until Santa pulled from his magic sack a special treat for him. That calmed him down just long enough to get his goodies and get the heck off his lap!