Saturday, January 19, 2008

Christmas, better late then never!


Traci said...

I love those pictures. Conner is so cute. I love the one where you are pushing his face down between his eyes. We had to laugh. See you Wed.

Brette said...

Look like you had a good Christmas! Conner looks like such big boy in some of these pictures. I likve the one of devin pinching his face, that's cute. I got the picture Sunday where Lito had drawn a mustache on him, haha that cracked me up. Did it come off easy?

Teresa :) said...

To cute Jo. I love the one with his sippie cup and his eyes all wide open. funny stuff. Well thanks for the invite to the jewelry party it was lots of fun and I love your house! Im so jealous.

Logan & Lindy said...

Hey! I didnt know you did Vinyl! I DO TO! How long have you had your machine thats awesome you have one! I am having so much fun with mine!!! Its the best toy I have ever had!!!